“My daughter’s favorite color is orange so she’d like to have a tea party with an orange theme.” That’s a tall order if you’re looking for store bought decorations, so custom printables to the rescue! It was a joy to help transform my friend’s community theater into the festive surroundings that their little girl had imagined and it was this party that was the inspiration for the Orange Cream Dots Printable Party Suite.
Orange plates on the walls were a fun and inexpensive way to carry the dots theme around.
A simple folded orange plastic tablecloth and some orange organza fabric for the runner adds a lively focal point to the table.
The flower favor box was hiding some yummy chocolates. We also used the water bottle wraps for the cups. The monograms really add a custom look to the table.
How gorgeous are these cupcakes!
The food table was full of orange themed items like these amazing orange cinnamon swirl sandwiches made with cinnamon swirl bread and orange marmalade. The orange cranberry scones were delicious and the bowl of cuties fit with the theme perfectly.
It was a great party followed up with a movie and a swim in the pool. The girls had a blast!
Go check out my Etsy shop to see what else this set comes with.