How to Save a PDF File one Page at a Time Using Reader and PrimoPDF

Saving a PDF file one page at a time for printales - Press Print Party!

I know this one’s an 11 on the dull-o-meter but here’s some help for questions I get asked all the time.

When buying the party printables in my shop, often my clients don’t have a color printer at their disposal and would like to send only the pages they need to their local office supply store for printing.

The nature of a pdf file makes that a bit tricky to achieve. Although the newest release of Adobe Reader allows saving the whole file (FINALLY!), it does not allow for saving only 1 page or 2.

To do that, you’ll need to install a very handy free program called PrimoPDF. Once installed, a new printer driver will appear as an option in your printer dialog box. You will be able to PRINT just the pages you want to pdf. Here’s how:

First, install the newest version of Adobe Reader:

Second, install PrimoPDF:

Next, open your printable file in Adobe Reader and make your changes. Here I’ll be printing a banner one page at a time:

Type your first 2 letters of your banner: Here H, A as the start of HAPPY BIRTHDAY.

Saving a PDF file one page at a time for printales - Press Print Party!

Go to File>Print, the print dialog box will open. Change your printer to PrimoPDF.

Saving a PDF file one page at a time for printales - Press Print Party!

Make sure you’re only printing the current page and click on “Print”.

Saving a PDF file one page at a time for printales - Press Print Party!

The PrimoPDF dialog box should open. If it doesn’t, it will be at the bottom of your screen like so:

Saving a PDF file one page at a time for printales - Press Print Party!

In the PrimoPDF dialog box make sure “Print” is highlighted and click on “Create PDF”.

Saving a PDF file one page at a time for printales - Press Print Party!

A “Save As” dialog box will open. Highlight the name of the file and change it to what you’d like. Here I changed it to “Banner page 1”.

Saving a PDF file one page at a time for printales - Press Print Party!

Saving a PDF file one page at a time for printales - Press Print Party!

Ta-da! Now you have a pdf file with your first 2 letters for your banner. Continue in this manner until you have all the pages you need to e-mail or bring to your local office supply store for printing.

I know the process seems complex but once you’ve done it a couple times you’ll be a pro.

Have a fun party!


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