A Sunny Baby Shower in Yellow and Gray

Yellow and Gray Damask Baby Shower Printables by Press Print Party

On a rare rainy California afternoon I was invited to a friend’s baby shower. No matter the rain outside, the inside of the house was full of sunshine with bursts of yellow, white and gray. Using my new yellow and gray damask baby shower printable party suite, the hostess created a charming cheery decor.

We were welcomed with a gorgeous paper quilling frame with the baby’s name. On the welcome table, a set of instructions asked us to sign the picture frame mat and write our name and address on the thank  you note envelopes in the basket.

Yellow and Gray Damask Baby Shower Printables by Press Print Party - welcome table

Yellow and Gray Damask Baby Shower Printables by Press Print Party - welcome sign


Yellow and Gray Damask Baby Shower Printables by Press Print Party - frame

Yellow and Gray Damask Baby Shower Printables by Press Print Party - Framed name - paper quilling

The diaper drop off table asked us to sign a few diapers and put our names in a raffle.

Yellow and Gray Damask Baby Shower Printables by Press Print Party - diaper table

Yellow and Gray Damask Baby Shower Printables by Press Print Party - diaper table

Yellow and Gray Damask Baby Shower Printables by Press Print Party - diaper cake

We dropped off our gifts on the gift table…

Yellow and Gray Damask Baby Shower Printables by Press Print Party - banner

Yellow and Gray Damask Baby Shower Printables by Press Print Party - gift table

…and proceeded to the kitchen where a feast was waiting for us. A lot of people contributed to the food and it was incredible. From lemon meringue cupcakes to yogurt parfaits and chicken salad sandwiches there was something for every palate (well mostly the sweet ones).

Yellow and Gray Damask Baby Shower Printables by Press Print Party - food table

Yellow and Gray Damask Baby Shower Printables by Press Print Party - food tents

Yellow and Gray Damask Baby Shower Printables by Press Print Party - cupcake wrappers

Yellow and Gray Damask Baby Shower Printables by Press Print Party - cupcake wrappers

Yellow and Gray Damask Baby Shower Printables by Press Print Party- napkins

Yellow and Gray Damask Baby Shower Printables by Press Print Party - Hershey Kisses labels

Yellow and Gray Damask Baby Shower Printables by Press Print Party - Hershey kisses labels

Yellow and Gray Damask Baby Shower Printables by Press Print Party - place card

Yellow and Gray Damask Baby Shower Printables by Press Print Party - place cards

Everywhere you looked the theme shined through.

Yellow and Gray Damask Baby Shower Printables by Press Print Party - decorations

Yellow and Gray Damask Baby Shower Printables by Press Print Party - Framed Initial with buttons

Yellow and Gray Damask Baby Shower Printables by Press Print Party - decorations

We played several games from the printable game pack and had loads of fun!

Yellow and Gray Damask Baby Shower Printables by Press Print Party - baby shower games

Yellow and Gray Damask Baby Shower Printables by Press Print Party - baby shower games

Yellow and Gray Damask Baby Shower Printables by Press Print Party - gift bag tags


Our bellies full and our spirits high we all grabbed a few chocolates and found the sun had finally pierced through the clouds outside too.

Yellow and Gray Damask Baby Shower Printables by Press Print Party - candy wrappers

4 thoughts on “A Sunny Baby Shower in Yellow and Gray

  1. John says:


    Great blog! Is there anyway that you can find out where the hostess commissioned the paper quilled frame. It’s beautiful, and I would like to get one made for my daughter.


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