“You’ve Been Booed!” Free Printables and Ideas

Have you ever been booed? Wouldn’t you like a fun package of goodies and Halloween treats left anonymously at your front step in the month of October?  

Getting booed is a wonderful way to foster a little unity and kindness in your neighborhood, friend groups or among family members.

You've been booed sign and We've been booed sign halloween game with instructions Press Print Party!

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The concept is simple. You surprise two individuals or families with a bunch of goodies, like homemade treats, little candy boxes, or a couple of small toys; and they in turn are encouraged to surprise two more households or individuals.

It is an especially nice gesture for those families who choose not to trick or treat on Halloween or for those friends and neighbors who no longer have kids living with them. This could easily become a fun Halloween tradition. 

So how do you start?

Prepare a basket of treats 

Will you make boo bags or a boo bucket or a cute basket? That’s up to you. Although you may want to choose the container after you decide what you’re putting in it to make sure you have enough space. (A little plastic cauldron would be such a fun container.)

What should you fill it with? It can be anything they might like. Think beyond kids. Elderly neighbors or friends without kids need some cheer too.

The boo gifts should be simple and fairly inexpensive. You will likely be able to find most of the stuff you need at a Dollar Tree. Hobby Lobby might have some fun little items to add as well. Here are some ideas of what to put in your basket:

  • Halloween candy
  • Gum
  • Chocolate
  • Baked goods (You can come by my place and leave fresh baked cookies anytime! Lemon poppyseed are the best!)
  • A favorite book
  • Wine (For the adults obviously!)
  • Popcorn and a movie
  • Veggies or fruit from the garden (What a great way to share a bumper crop).
  • Favorite recipe with ingredients
  • Flowers (Always welcome)
  • Succulents (Dig a couple up from your garden if you have them and put them in a little pot)
You've been booed sign and We've been booed sign halloween game with instructions Press Print Party! wine bottle in basket at front door
Last Minute You've been boozed printable signs - fun halloween game - we've been boozed on wine bottle and grapes. Neighbor gift. Press Print Party!

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Print the “You’ve Been Booed!” signs and instructions

Scroll down to get the free printable sign available through a PDF download and in each basket include:

  • 1 “You’ve Been Booed” sign, tag, or door hanger
  • 1 “ We’ve Been Booed” sign or door hanger
  • 1 Simple instructions sheet
You've been booed sign and We've been booed sign halloween game with instructions Press Print Party! front door hanger

If you want to make it easy for your neighbors, you could place an envelope with a couple of printed signs and instructions for them to use and give away. Maybe by the end of the Halloween season, the whole neighborhood will have been booed. 

Or if you don’t want the neighbors to feel obliged to reciprocate, just omit the instruction sheet from their package.

You've been booed sign and We've been booed sign halloween game with instructions Press Print Party!

Now the fun part

Leave the baskets anonymously at the front door of two of your neighbors, friends or relatives. Staying anonymous with Ring doorbells might require some preplanned booing strategy. You’ll also need to decide the best time to drop off the goodie bags. Early evening when people are eating dinner? Morning when kids are heading to school? That’s up to you. You’ll also have to decide if you will doorbell ditch or just silently leave the Halloween surprise at the door. If this is your first time doing the whole booing thing, don’t sweat it. You can always improve your booing skills next year. 

You've been booed sign and We've been booed sign halloween game with instructions Press Print Party! basket of treats at front door in bucket.

Once a neighbor has been booed, they can then prepare to “Boo” two more neighbors if they wish. They can also put a “We’ve Been Booed” sign at their door or window so the next neighbors know to skip the house.

You’ll love watching the “We’ve Been Booed!” signs spring up throughout the entire neighborhood. 

You've been booed sign and We've been booed sign halloween game with instructions Press Print Party! front door hanger

Of course, my greedy, little hubby wants to emphasize that putting up the “We’ve Been Booed” sign is optional. He’s happy to receive as many bottles of free wine and baskets of homemade goodies as you’re willing to give.

And if wine is what you want to give, go check out the “You’ve been BOOzed” printables also. Isn’t this little sign just adorable?Last Minute You've been boozed printable signs - fun halloween game - we've been boozed on wine bottle and grapes. Neighbor gift. Press Print Party!

This treat basket really helps spread Halloween cheer, and putting it together is such a fun activity. You may enjoy it so much you decide to put together your own boo basket. Maybe to start this fun tradition you “boo” your kids and include the you’ve been booed printables. From there, each of your kids will pick two people to make their own Halloween boo baskets for.

I’ve got lots more Halloween fun in the shop with a bunch of brand new Halloween labels editable with your kid’s name, and on the blog with more free printables and DIY costume fun like this easy to make ghost.


Don’t forget to pin it:

You've been booed sign and We've been booed sign halloween game with instructions Press Print Party! basket of treats at front door in bucket.

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Picked for you:

Check out our holiday printables

Original price was: $100.00.Current price is: $25.00.
You've been booed free halloween printables Press Print Party

3 thoughts on ““You’ve Been Booed!” Free Printables and Ideas

  1. Amarie Jimenez says:

    This is such a fun idea! Our friend “boooed us too” and it was a fun surprise for our kids. Love this template makes the Halloween spirit of sharing and giving more fun.

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