How Many oz in a qt & More [Charming FREE Kitchen Conversion Chart]

Have you ever been in a middle of a recipe with no kitchen conversion chart on hand and have to find out how many oz are in a qt, or how many cups are in a pint, or gallon, or how many tablespoons are in a 1/4 cup, or teaspoons in a tablespoon?

Of course, we all have.

Kitchen conversion chart free printable. Farmhouse style. Cooking conversion for how many oz in a qt and more. Black chalkboard design and white design on counter in kitchen with cups, rolling pin, cupcake pan, spoon measurements.. Cooking measurements. Press Print Party!

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And at that point in the recipe, I’m usually baking elbow deep in flour, or my hands are sticky with batter. (Me? Scrape the bowl with my fingers? Never! 😁) The recipe calls for 1/4 cup of brown sugar but all I can find is a measuring spoon.

The last thing I want to do is get on my phone to figure out basic cooking conversions.

And then there’s the whole liquid ounces versus dry ounces dilemma. The French don’t deal with this kind of foolishness. In France (and most of the rest of the world) volume and weight measurement units are different and they’re on the metric system which makes everything so much easier.

But I now live in the United States where I have to use their standard system and conversions ratio, so I’ll go back to my original question:

So How Many Ounces are in a Quart?

There are 32 fl oz in a quart. That’s U.S. fluid ounces. (Did you know the imperial system of units in the United Kingdom has the same names for oz, quart, pints and gallons but they are NOT the same volume of liquid!!!! So a quart of water in the U.K is about 20% bigger than in the U.S. They are different units with the same name… maddening!)

And there are 8oz in a cup, 3 teaspoons in a tablespoon, 4 tablespoons in a 1/4 cup, and 1/8 cup in one oz.

And I can tell you that without ever Googling it.


I have a handy dandy and very charming cooking conversion chart with all the units of measurement on the side of my fridge.

kitchen conversion chart free printable. Farmhouse style. Cooking conversion for how many oz in a qt and more. Black chalkboard design in a frame on counter in kitchen. Cooking measurements. Press Print Party!

Free Printable Kitchen Conversion Chart

Actually my kitchen conversion chart wasn’t so pretty until I made my own.

For years I had a very old, very yellow, and very ugly volume measurements chart. But it was the BEST cooking measurements chart out there. Easy to use at a glance.

I’ve seen many free printable kitchen conversion charts out there but none was laid out in such a logical and intuitive way as my ugly, yellow chart.

So I recreated the same chart but in a pretty farmhouse style and I’ve made it available for you, in two free designs, as a printable with easy access in my free downloads library.

You’ll get both the black on white and the black chalkboard design with white text, both in 5″x7″.

Kitchen conversion chart free printable. Farmhouse style. Cooking conversion for how many oz in a qt and more. Black chalkboard design and white design on counter in kitchen with cups, rolling pin, cupcake pan, spoon measurements.. Cooking measurements. Press Print Party!

It has all the common conversions for the U.S. standard unit of measurement and is a simple way to see all the conversion ratios at a glance.

Glue a magnet in the back and stick it to your fridge or frame it proudly in your rustic kitchen. This is a baking conversions chart you won’t want to hide inside of your kitchen cabinet or in your recipe binder.

Scroll down to the end of this post to get the free printable kitchen conversion chart. And the next time you need to make a quick conversion you’ll be all set.

kitchen conversion chart free printable. Farmhouse style. Cooking conversion for how many oz in a qt and more. white farmhouse design in a frame on counter in kitchen. Cooking measurements and pastries. Press Print Party!

Fluid oz to dry oz Conversion

I understand that people get super confused between fluid ounces and dry ounces. Americans have adopted a confusing measurement system.

Fluid ounces are a measure of volume (But it’s not just about the volume of liquid, it applies for dry ingredients also- yes I know, confusing). Dry ounces are a measure of weight.

So no, 8oz of chocolate is NOT one cup. To accurately measure items by weight you’ll need a kitchen scale. So a fluid quart might weigh more or less depending on what’s in it (think feathers vs flour).

A good digital scale that can switch to different units is also very handy to make recipes from parts of Europe where most of the measurements are in grams.

Useful tools for measuring ingredients by volume

Your standard cups and measuring spoon combo sets are the proper tools for measuring dry ingredients by volume.

You can fill your cups to the brim and scrape the top with the back of a knife to get the perfect amount.

Because it may be awkward to fill it all the way to the top, for wet ingredients it’s best to use a different kitchen tool, a liquid measuring cup. That’s a taller transparent cup with marked units.

I wouldn’t use a liquid measuring cup to measure dry ingredients because the tendency is to tap the cup to level out whatever you’re measuring. Especially if you’re measuring flour, it will pack it and you may end up adding more than the recipe actually requires.

Baking is a bit of an exact science, when recipes call for a specific cup measurement, you want to use exact measurements as much as you can.

So get your handy kitchen conversion chart printable cheat sheet below and always have a quick reference on hand.

You’ll feel like a professional cook, always knowing at a glance how many tablespoons you need for 1/4 cup of flour with a pretty volume conversion tool of your own.

Now that you’re ready to bake anything from scratch, try my best chocolate cake recipe or my yummy lemon meringue cupcakes recipe.

kitchen conversion chart free printable. Farmhouse style. Cooking conversion for how many oz in a qt and more. Black chalkboard design in a frame on counter in kitchen. Cooking measurements. Press Print Party!
kitchen conversion chart free printable. Farmhouse style. Cooking conversion for how many oz in a qt and more. Black chalkboard design in a frame on counter in kitchen. Cooking measurements. Press Print Party!
kitchen conversion chart free printable. Farmhouse style. Cooking conversion for how many oz in a qt and more. Black chalkboard design and white design on chalkboard on counter in kitchen. Cooking measurements. Press Print Party!

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