Have you ever worried about getting RSVPs for a birthday party? Whether it’s for yourself or your kids, the fear of no one showing up can be daunting.
You might even avoid hosting parties because you still remember being that 8-year-old girl thinking, “What if no one comes?”
That’s a legitimate fear.
A party without guests is not a party. To ensure your guests attend, you need RSVPs. And to get RSVPs, you need to know how to remind guests with effective RSVP wording.
![The secret to getting RSVPs to your kid's birthday party - smiling kid with birthday hat - Press Print Party!](https://www.pressprintparty.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/Getting-rsvps-for-birthdat-party.jpg)
Parents are so busy nowadays that they often overlook RSVPs or, even worse, say yes and then don’t show up. Honestly, your kid’s party isn’t their top priority. It stings, but it’s true.
After a few successful birthdays, we earned a reputation for throwing fun parties. But it wasn’t always like this for me. As a child, getting 3 or 4 friends to my birthday parties felt like pulling teeth.
As a parent, I remember what it felt like to be that little girl and vowed that my kids wouldn’t have to endure that.
I take charge of my kids’ parties, knowing the success of those parties is ultimately my responsibility. Plus, I really don’t want to end up with a huge cake and just two kids to eat it!
Luckily, there are some tricks to getting people to show up to your party.
While I focus mostly on kids’ parties, a lot of this advice works for adult birthday parties or showers too.
The main idea is to set yourself up for success.
Don’t have the party on a holiday or right next to a busy season
Both my kids have birthdays around the end of the school year. We have Mother’s Day, Memorial Day weekend, and the last week of school to navigate around. That’s a nightmare. Having a party on those weekends would be tough on me and tough on the guests.
So we don’t.
We either have their party early or late to ensure those guests will be able to come. We’ve even held their party a whole month after their birthdays.
You could also have a ½ birthday party instead, 6 months after your birthday. I knew a woman who really made a big deal out of her half-birthday. It was important to her.
And that’s a great strategy if your birthday happens to fall during the frantic, money-strapped period between Thanksgiving and New Year’s.
Don’t have 2 parties with the same guest list back-to-back
My girls are just over 2 years apart so we combine their parties. We have one birthday party a year and invite all of their friends. One of my girls is more outgoing than the other and has more friends so having two parties would really be a poor idea and would create comparison and jealousy.
A lot of their friends overlap too so it works for us.
You are the guardian of your kids’ well-being. Exercise wisdom and don’t purposely put them in situations that may trigger comparison and conflict with their siblings. Also if you had 2 parties a month apart, parents may get confused and might not show up to the second one.
If you have a daughter and a son, or if your kids are far apart in age and the guests would be totally different, then knock yourself out!
Getting RSVPs starts with your guest list
Bottom line, you need to know the parents of the kids you’re inviting.
If you don’t, you need to introduce yourself.
I know birthday parties can be hard when you’ve just moved to a new area or have just started attending a new school. So don’t try to invite 20 kids who won’t show up. Only invite the 2 kids you know will show and other friends or family if they’re local because you know they’ll be there.
As a kid, my husband experienced firsthand inviting the entire class, only to have a single kid show up to his party. Kids might be friends at school but if the parents aren’t your friends they rarely want to interrupt their weekend to take their kid to celebrate the birthday of another kid they don’t know. Most likely they’ll just ignore the invite.
If you want to feel the pain of kids getting ignored on their birthday read this Quora post.
It may make you lose your faith in humanity.
Some of this could’ve been avoided with more parent involvement. Some of these stories highlight how disinterested and uncaring some of your kids’ friends and parents can be.
Because we homeschool and attend church, I have some wonderful friendships with other moms.
Homeschool kids have very close friends who would never think of pulling some of the tricks that these kids pulled in the Quora post. If you’re lucky enough to be a part of a close-knit community you’ll never encounter this kind of disinterest.
People who don’t RSVP usually don’t show up. So if you get 0 RSVPs by the deadline you don’t have a party.
Please don’t do this to your kid. It’s your job to know who and how many are showing up.
If your school wants you to invite the whole class, respectfully decline
Most schools don’t care as long as you give out invitations in a discreet manner before or after school.
One mom told me she gave out invitations to a full class once and she only got a 10% response. She also admitted to having found old invites in her kid’s backpack way past the party date… oops.
Of course, be wise, and don’t invite 18 out of 20 kids in the class. Word will get around and the other two will feel left out.
Give out paper invitations, and give them to the parents
The invitation is a prelude to the party. You want the kids and/or parents to notice it. It needs to be enticing, show the theme of the party and promise lots of fun.
I don’t know about you but I get a million and a half emails per day and I’ve missed bunches of party invitations in my inbox. So sad.
But I’ve always RSVP’d to a paper invitation handed to me directly. Especially one that looks good or looks like it took time and effort to make.
The second best option is to send the invitation by text. Or better yet, do both.
You will get a bunch of instant RSVPs that way. Parents will look in their phones and tell you right then and there whether or not their child can make it.
You can hand them out before or after school, at church, or hand-deliver them at guests’ homes.
If your child really wants to hand them out, have him or her do it with you and the parent there.
Sometimes that’s not an option, so have your kid hand them out personally and discreetly to their friends, or mail them, then follow up with a picture text of the invitation to the parent.
If you don’t have the parent’s info, and you don’t get a response, forget it. You may never get an answer and the invites may be lost at the bottom of someone’s backpack.
Sheryl and Andy were very new to our church. The first time we met them they asked us personally if our youngest girl could go to their daughter’s birthday party. They had just moved to the area and didn’t know anybody. But our girls were in the same Sunday School class and seemed to get along. It would mean a lot if she came. They were 8 years old or so. They invited 3 girls from the Sunday School class by talking directly to the parents. And guess what, all 3 showed up. I said yes, and talked to my daughter later about the importance of making new kids feel welcomed and that she was going to a new friend’s party. I didn’t give her a choice really.
But the parents spoke to me directly and I committed. That’s why talking to the parents directly is so powerful.
Be clever with birthday party RSVP wording
Some parents wonder HOW you’d like them to RSVP to birthday invitations.
So make it clear and easy here are some simple RSVP reminder wordings for a birthday party.
- Nowadays, some people dread phone calls as much as the dentist or the DMV. So don’t make people call, give them the option to text or email: “Please RSVP by text to 555-555-1212 or email mom@mail.com”
- Give them a reason to reply. Ask for confirmation of the spelling of their kid’s name – Something like “When you RSVP please confirm the spelling of your child’s name for personalized favors…” Or “Please RSVP by (date) so each guest can get their personalized favor…”
- Play to scarcity: “Please RSVP by (date) so we have enough pizza, cake, favors, etc. for everyone…”
- Or give them the option of RSVPing only if they plan to come “ RSVP only if you plan to attend …” I don’t like this one as much because if they don’t respond you’re never 100% sure that they saw the invitation.
- “Regrets only” – That’s when you ask people to only RSVP if they’re NOT coming. I like this one even less because the problem with birthday parties is getting people to show up. If you put in “regrets only” and no-one replies, you’re going to think you have a full party when in truth few people are showing up.
- Better to make them feel special: “We want you there! Please RSVP…”
Set an RSVP window that ends no more than a week before the party
I usually do 6-7 days before the party, but if I’m not too worried about people not showing up I make it only 3-4 days.
Some parents just don’t think that far ahead and it’s nice to give them a little extra time to figure out their schedule. And they’ll be more apt to remember the closer they RSVP to the event.
Contact the parents who didn’t RSVP the day of or after the RSVP deadline
Hopefully, you have their info and can send a quick text asking if Timmy will be coming. Parents nearly always respond to texts and will often apologize for not getting back to you.
This is very important if you don’t know the parents well or you’re inviting a bunch of new friends. Trust me, it’s not a good feeling when you invite 20 kids and 1 shows up. Be a diligent host and get those RSVPs.
Make them feel special
Remind people of the party. Have your kids tell their friends how much they look forward to seeing them on Saturday. If you see the parents, remind them “Sam is really looking forward to having Timmy at his party next week”.
Sometimes people don’t show up to parties because of the lackluster way they were invited. It may seem that it doesn’t really matter if they show up or not.
So make it clear that they will be missed if they don’t come.
Talk it up!
Your party needs to feel enticing. The invitation will do some of that but the excitement you communicate to the guests and parents about the party will go a long way.
This is your big event, if you don’t talk about it when you see them, it may seem that you don’t care that much. Talk about the theme, the decorations, what kind of cake you’re getting.
This is where having a party with a particular theme is advantageous. Kids will be more excited to go to Liam’s Harry Potter party than just Liam’s birthday party.
Promote it!
You need to make people understand how much you’re looking forward to it and make it clear how much fun their kids will have.
You are more likely to talk your party up if you have a good organized plan. That’s what my Ultimate Birthday Party Planner is all about, planning the best party without the stress of forgetting anything.
Acknowledge when you do get RSVPs
Don’t let parents think their text or email went into a black hole. Again, they need to feel wanted. Respond with a quick “Sam will be thrilled to have Harry there!” or “Sam will miss Harry but we understand”.
Remind the parents the day before
Only if you think it’s necessary, you can touch base with the yeses the day before.
Especially if they replied a couple of weeks ago and you haven’t talked to them since. A quick “Sam can’t wait to see Harry at his party tomorrow” text will do.
Plan for more kids than have said yes
Because I’m friends with most of the parents of my kid’s friends I always plan for the kids who have not given me a firm answer even though they may not show up.
I always have VERY late RSVPs and moms texting me the morning of asking if their kid can still come because their plans changed.
I plan for that so I don’t get frustrated. If I have personalized favors, it’s usually something that can be printed and made quickly. I always have more favors than guests.
I’ve had kids ask to bring their siblings too at the last minute, it helps to have extras.
Have a plan B
If you still have reservations about whether the kids will show up (even though you got yeses from parents) have a plan B with kids or adults you can invite last minute. It’s always a good idea to have family there anyway, the more the merrier and they’ll probably help with the cleanup too.
If you get anything out of this list, remember that guests need to feel wanted. And a hand-delivered personal invite goes a very long way.
And when your kids get invited to a birthday party be that parent that makes their kids go. Especially if it’s for a new kid. Or if you really can’t, reach out to the parents and explain why your child can’t go.
And don’t be that flaky parent who just ignores party invites. Because on the other side of that invite, there’s a boy or girl with real feelings waiting for their friends to show up.
For that kid’s sake, be an RSVP champion!
Don’t forget to pin this post and tell other parents the secret to getting RSVPs:
This is the best birthday party article I have ever read. It’s like I wrote this myself because you have all of the same feelings about all of this stuff that I do. I cringe at the stories of a whole class being invited and no one showing up, not even so much because I feel sorry for the child but because I can’t believe how dumb the parents were that they didn’t try harder to connect with other parents to really get them to bring their kids to the party! If you don’t do that, nobody will care enough to show up. Thank goodness for a realistic birthday party article, finally.
Thank you so much for the kind words.
How should I address the invitation envelope if I don’t know all of the kid’s in her class names and the school won’t hand over a list? I definitely can’t ask my 4 year old for the spelling of everyone’s name. Ha! I also don’t want to pass out blank invitations with no name on the outside as to who it’s addressed to. Help!
I don’t think little mistakes in spelling are a big deal. You can only work with what you have. You could also ask the parents for the correct spelling if you see them when you pick up your kid. Meeting the parents is always key when they’re that young. Hope it all goes well.
We moved to a new public school in February. I am hoping to have my son’s party in July at a park. But there really is not a way for me to meet the parents in his class or contact them. I’m pretty sure the school will not give me parents contact information just for a party. My plan is to give invites to my son to give out to his whole kindergarten class before school is out. There is no other way. How do I get people to show up?
I would concentrate on the parents you know (if any) and come up with a plan B with the family if you don’t get RSVPs. Keep in mind you’re giving out invites a bit early and people might forget.
I would also maybe add an RSVP line that says to please contact you either way (many people don’t bother if they know they can’t go).
this is such an amazing read with full of helpful tips, i have a small appartment and wont necessarily have the space to accomodate the parents of 5 year old party goers. Is there way to phrase it in the invitation so that it is a drop off party only? thanks so much
Thank you so much for this tips!!, but I have a question, sorry bother you!.. We are Mexicans living in Michigan, we have been living here for 4 years; we decide to move to US because we have two wonderful kids with special needs. So my son will get 10 years in March, and I am deciding on doing a drive by birthday parade… so reading all what you was mentioning I have a “problem” because my son is in a special group and he used to go in some moments to his regular group of 4th graders, and he is super happy when he go with them, because he play and enjoy being with kids of his age… so In my magical world I was thinking to invite all his 4th graders, but after reading all this excellent information, I think is not going to work… you mentioned that you have a bunch of invitations to many parties, we don’t!… so always have been my doubt if his classmates do not make parties or what… but I think they have this amazing parties, but at the end my son don’t get this invitations for obvios reasons, (and that is not a problem, I understand, my son is happy he don’t see that things), but do you think by chance, because of the pandemic situation, does the parents don’t see this type of events as an opportunity to make something different and by this increasing the participation compared with a traditional party?… sorry my English! Thank you for you time!
I wouldn’t worry about not getting invites to parties right now. Many people are not having parties during the pandemic. However, drive by parties are very popular and your idea is great and parents are familiar with the concept now and would feel totally comfortable going to your party.
My basic point of the article is that you need to talk to the parents if you want to make sure your kid’s friends show up, not just hand over the invitation to the child and hope for the best.So if you have the parents info, go ahead and send the invite directly to them. I have lots of quarantine invitations and decorations in the shop that might help you too.
It stood out to me when you said that a hand-delivered invite will help guests feel wanted and encourage them to RSVP. My daughter has been into detective novels lately and I think it would be fun to throw her a murder mystery party for her birthday this November. Since I’m not very experienced throwing kids parties, your tips about delivering invitations are much appreciated!
You’re most welcome. I hope you have a fantastic celebration.
Thanks for the wonderful tips. You can also try using online RSVP. Check out our free RSVP that specializes in kids parties. You can find it here: https://my.partituki.com/.
Cecilia of Partituki
I like your suggestion to acknowledge the RSVPs we get with a quick response to let the guest know they’re wanted at the party. I’m planning on booking a mobile paint party service for my daughter’s 7th birthday next month and need to know how many guests to expect. Thanks for sharing these helpful tips I can use to get accurate RSVP responses from parents!
Thank you so much. A paint party sounds amazing! I’m glad my tips could help. RSVPs can be so hard to get.
I like your idea to remind the parents of those who have RSVP’d with a simple text on the day before the party. My husband and I want to book a fun party venue for our son’s birthday next month. Following your advice should ensure he has a great time with his friends!
I’m so glad. Hope you all have a fantastic time!
These are all great tips! It’s so hard to get RSVPs for kid’s parties. My son’s school sets up a mailing list each year for the class, so I always mail out invitations. That way, I know the parents at least see them before the party. But it’s still difficult!
Some parents may not be very good at looking at their mail (hum, talking about myself here). A phone call or text goes a long way too, but mailing is better than handing it out to the kids.
This is such a great article. It causes so much unnecessary angst when people don’t RSVP. Our school makes it super hard cause you rarely ever see other parents the way they’ve got it structured. I need to work harder to get to know the other moms.
It’s so important to know the parents of our kid’s friends. You may find some friends for you too along the way.
There are some great tips here!!
Thank you Holly!
Great tips, I have made lots of notes.
Your advice is needed please: My sons 5th birthday is in September 2021 and we are planning to throw him a big party. My issue here is I want each child’s parent to stay for the party seeing as the kids are all just 5 years old. We are hiring a big venue, there will be loads to eat and the entertainment will be fun for adults too. How best do I word it on the invite that parents are expecting to stay?
When my kids were young we also wanted the parents to stay so we addressed the envelope to the whole family.
If you want to be more direct you could try wording like this:
“Parents, please enjoy the day with us too.”
“Our family would love to celebrate with your family.”
“We have some fun plans for both kids and parents.”
Hope that helps.
Such great tips and major props to you homeschooling ! I totally wish I was able to do that. I usually put the invites in the kids folders where I would expect parents to check but for the most part mentioning it to parents who you’re inviting to the party would ensure that they will look for the invite.
Thank you for your kind words Susan. It’s always a good idea to mention it to the parents and be excited about it!
Ok these tips are the best tips I have read in a long time! Thanks for putting them together!
Thank you for your kind words Carolina.
Thank so much for the tips! My daughter will be turning 8 in a couple months and she wants to have friends from school! I’ll definitely be keeping all this in mind!
This post is chock full of excellent tips on how to guarantee those birthday party RSVPs! Thank you!
Great tips Nathalie! Getting RSVPs on time is so helpful!!
Great tips. We get so many invites but I always try to RSVP right on time because I know how important it is to the hostess