5 Non Candy Easter Egg Filler Ideas That will Surprise You

Your kids probably love a good Easter egg hunt as much as mine do. Through the years, we’ve come up with fun non candy Easter egg filler ideas that are a lot more exciting than just filling the eggs with jelly beans. 

Easter egg hunt ideas and activities - non candy Easter egg filler ideas that's not junk Press Print Party!

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Also, If you’re hosting lots of kids you may be concerned about dye and food allergies. No worries, there are great non-candy Easter egg stuffers for kids of all ages.

Actually, we don’t even include candy in Easter baskets and Easter egg stuffers anymore. Our plastic eggs are now full of much more practical things.

You can say goodbye to sugar overload on Easter!

1- Puzzle Pieces From One Single Bigger Puzzle

puzzle pieces in plastic eggs Press Print Party Easter egg hunt ideas and activities - non candy Easter egg filler ideas that's not junk Press Print Party!

Here’s one of my favorite fun Easter ideas that we came up with. I honestly don’t remember how we came up with this Easter egg filler idea, but one year I bought a puzzle at the dollar store and hid the puzzle pieces two or three at a time in the plastic eggs. These are small items that can fill a lot of eggs. 
Be sure to get lots of plastic eggs if you’re including puzzle pieces in your Easter time activities. A couple of jumbo eggs may help to get them all hidden.
The girls had a blast finding all the eggs with puzzle pieces and putting the puzzle together at the end of the Easter egg hunt. 
This was so successful we now do it every year and it makes for a fantastic Easter Sunday activity for the kids.
Especially when you have a big family, it’s a lot of fun to see them all coming together to spend their time finishing a puzzle instead of just eating candy. Sometimes some pieces are missing, revealing the fact that they must have missed an egg or two.
So there they go. Searching again for one last egg.
It makes the Easter egg hunt fun because you may need a lot of eggs depending on which type of puzzle you bought. 
It also reduces the competition of who got the most eggs because they need to combine them all at the end to finish the puzzle.
Our new puzzles get more complicated each year as the girls get bigger. It’s also great fun for older kids who may consider themselves too old for an Easter egg hunt. No one is too old for a good puzzle.

Following the same idea, you could also buy a small Lego set and break it up between several eggs (see idea #5).

free Easter bunny letters - adorable easter bunny notes for easter morning - With easter basket - Press Print Party!

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2- Coupons for Fun Things in the Future

Easter egg hunt free printable coupon editable with your own text - Easter hunt ideas - Press Print Party! - ice cream egg

Kids love to receive good coupons and in our house with big kids, they are a huge hit on Easter morning. 

And with lots of free printables available out there, there’s an array of fun Easter egg coupons to use.  I designed a sheet of free printable Easter egg coupons that are easy to customize. That way you’re not stuck with only what I think makes a good coupon but you can write in whatever your child may like best.
I find that my own kids rarely use the homemade coupons but are very excited when they get them. They are a great way to fill many eggs with something else but sugary treats.
Nowadays I try to make the coupons more usable the day that they get them. For example, I’ll buy ice cream and not tell them. Then I’ll include a coupon for a bowl of ice cream that they can enjoy at the end of the Easter egg hunt. 
You can also write up when the coupon is applicable like, “Choose a movie this Saturday Night.”
If you want each kid to have a certain coupon and need to differentiate between different Easter eggs,  go ahead and write the name of the kid on the egg with a Sharpie and just inform them that if they see an egg with somebody else’s name on it that they need to leave it alone. You can also use different colors to indicate who should get which eggs. 

Easter egg hunt free printable coupon editable with your own text - Easter hunt ideas - Press Print Party! - Egg-cellent couppon: Pick a movie to watch for the whole family

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3- Money, money, money!

Yes, we also put coins in some of the eggs. It’s a fun way to use up the half-pound of coins rolling around in the bottom of your purse.
We use quarters and dimes mostly but some eggs will actually have paper bills.
As the kids got older, we bought one golden egg for each child, wrote their name on it with a sharpie, and slip in a couple of larger bills for them. 
Now that they are teens, they are very eager to find that golden egg!

4- Resurrection Eggs to Teach the Easter Story

If you want to teach your kids that Easter is about more than eggs and bunnies, getting a set of resurrection eggs is a great Easter egg filler idea.
Each egg contains an object representing a different part of the Biblical story of Easter. Each Egg is numbered so the story goes in order. Resurrection egg sets also come with a list of Bible verses to read in order as you open each egg.

Easter egg fillers resurrection eggs cross - Press Print Party!

You can easily buy a set online or you can make your own with these instructions and free printables from Life Your Way.

Make The Easter Story Snack Mix with Free Printable bag topper & New Recipe - Press Print PartyMake The Easter Story Snack Mix with Free Printable bag topper & New Recipe - Press Print Party

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5- Small Toys and Useful Objects Easter Egg Filler Ideas

You can easily wander in the “junk” category on this one. So try to think of things your child would actually use or enjoy playing with. It’s OK to take a bigger set (like a Lego set) and break it up into several eggs like we did with the puzzle.
I have to admit, finding fun Easter egg fillers is probably easier for little girls than boys because of all the cutesie hair and nail stuff you can include. But there are still plenty of items, like Hot Wheels, toy farm animals, sticky hands, and more that any child will love to receive.

Here is a list of non-candy Easter egg fillers to get you started:

Full Easter basket from Oriental Trading Press Print Party!

Finally, here’s a fun ice cream-themed Easter basket filled with fun toys, plushies, and Easter goodies that I styled with items from Oriental Trading and my editable Easter Coupons.

free printable easter bunny footprints and stencils in 2 sizes and 2 colors blue and pink. with Easter basket on grey floor - Press Print Party!

You’ll also love this free printable:

I hope I’ve encouraged you to think outside the box for your Easter egg hunt this year with these 5 Easter egg filler ideas!

Don’t miss all the other fun Easter ideas and free printables:

Let me know in the comments what your favorite non candy Easter egg fillers are.

Don’t forget to pin these non candy Easter egg filler ideas:

Easter egg hunt ideas and activities - non candy Easter egg filler ideas that's not junk Press Print Party!

Picked for you:

Check out our Easter printables

Easter egg hunt ideas and activities - non candy Easter egg filler ideas that's not junk Press Print Party!
5 out of the box ideas to fill Easter Eggs - Easter egg hunt ideas and activities - non candy Easter egg filler ideas that's not junk Press Print Party!
clever easter egg filler ideas - non candy - press print party!
clever easter egg filler ideas - non candy - press print party!

3 thoughts on “5 Non Candy Easter Egg Filler Ideas That will Surprise You

  1. Crissy B says:

    Such great ideas here! This year we added a some fun to our Easter hunt. We put numbers in different eggs so that there ended up being 2 kids together in pairs. We added funny tasks they had to do together. For example the 2 kiddos who got the number 1’s had to wiggle their bunny tails for 7 seconds. Everyone thought it was so funny. Number 2’s had to sing a song.. and so on.

  2. Natalie L Mayhew says:

    These ideas are fantastic! The vouchers are perfect given what we are going through at the moment!! Thanks for giving me so many ideas.

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